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Rein in Conflict Podcast

Conflict can be a daily battle. So let's not run from it, but learn from it. Let us learn from each other on an engaging podcast series as we welcome in those valuable players, LEADERS (and that includes you), as they share with us principles learned and gained as they have reigned in conflict.

Conflict may have a bad ring to it, but let me help you change your mindset and your tactics. Conflict if reigned in can benefit you and those you associate with. Whether it be at home, work, or the community you will want to be able to communicate better with those you associate with.



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How Do You
Rein In Conflict

Principles of leadership, if recalled, implemented, cultivated and shared will give strength and courage to all as we come as teachers and followers. Thank you for joining, as we all need you and your stories.

What leadership principle has helped you to manage and rein in conflict? Share it with us and engage in the conversation. We'd love to have you on our podcast!

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