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Meet Ruth

Organizational Consultant, Executive Coach, Business Management Consultant, Podcast Host & Video Producer

One could say that I love horses. Never owned one of my own but I've ridden them. Just like any wise leader, you use your resources and make connections. Much like my love for horses I have a love for leadership development, stories and finding how others tick. 


Allow me to share with you a short parable to enlighten you on who I am, how this company came to be and why I offer these services to come.


I have learned that in a matter of seconds a situation can turn around for good and bad. The arena was wide open with me and a horse with a beautiful mane. One thing led to the next until I couldn't handle the horse. Who knew that leaning forwards on a horse would make it go faster? While holding on, my foot slipped out of the stirrup as I began to ride the horse on its side. Thankfully the horse stopped. "Never, never, will I get back on a horse. I'm done!" Just when I thought my feelings had pushed me to the sight of no return, a good leader threw me back up after they asked "are you okay?" I nodded yes as they said, "Good, well no time like the present. Jump back on, or you'll never get back on!" With fear in my eyes, I thought, "yeah, I don't want to" as I jumped on anyways. I'm glad I had a good leader to throw me back on so I wouldn't be terrified of even approaching a horse in the future. 

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Much like conflict, you just need to jump back on. It might not go as planned, but sometimes the unplanned can be good. However, I believe that grounded leadership principles if learned and applied would have helped me to avoid the horse going faster. I didn't know that what I was communicating with the horse by learning forward was to speed up. I was just holding on for dear life. Don't let conflict keep you stumped, stop you from doing what you love or what you envision. You need to jump back on that horse and keep riding with principles in communication and leadership.


Stories is how people connect. It's your stories and experiences that matter, and yes, even the hard ones such as conflict. If we allow our experiences and our stories to transform us, they will. Sometimes, we just need a coach to empower us to help us discover and reignite those stories for good. 

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Just like that good leader in my life, "there is no time like the present." There's no time like the present to stir things up and talk about how conflict can be good, if reigned in.


Through different experiences, I have discovered that people feel like they are truly heard when you work with them with where they are at. I don't come with any agenda, other than to bring my services that I have and assist you in the workplace to transform it into what you hope and what we can call a steady success. As we communicate with each other, we can dive into what has been working and what hasn't in order to improve the workplace environment for all. There is no time like the present to analyze what went wrong, but don't be too hesitant to jump back in before too long, or else you never will. And keep in mind that through the process, you may find that what you thought you hoped for is not really what you want or need. We can work on that. 

What makes us different from other consultants is that we work with your experiences and backgrounds. Where you and your team are currently, Rein In Conflict is there with you. As we work on utilizing your experiences as a leader we can help you continue to rein in conflict with leadership principles. Oftentimes as we are in leadership roles, we can often forget the principles that drive a good leader. A leader is also a student. As we all learn from each other, we want to bring to you and the world these principles in simple form where we can write down and refer back to these stories in crucial and critical moments. Conflict is always around us and can be a headache in peoples lives, so let's rein it in. Conflict will always arise. Whether it be from group projects, coworkers or management, things may seem as if we don't see eye to eye on things. We want to make all those encounters more enjoyable for all as we utilize situations with conflict and rein it in with leadership principles. 

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